30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Topic: Speech

Bonn, , 17 June 2024

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier emphasized in a video message at the event marking the World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought and the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) at Bonn on 17 June 2024: "There is nothing more important, more basic than good soil, safe food and water. So let‘s work together!"

About 6% of the Earth's land mass consist of deserts. In these extremely dry areas, agriculture and livestock farming are impossible. This is a reason of serious concern since the deserts are expanding, as I have witnessed myself during many visits I have paid to the southern hemisphere. And a lot of this development is man-made.

Today, we are not only commemorating the annual “Desertification and Drought Day”, we are also celebrating 30 years of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.

There is nothing more important, more basic than good soil, safe food and water. So let‘s work together! And let‘s bring in young people to make sure that our decisions today ensure their good future tomorrow. “United for Land: Our Legacy. Our Future.” What a great motto for today’s event!

I am glad that the UN city of Bonn is hosting this event. Two of the three Rio Conventions are headquartered here which makes Bonn a global focal point for sustainable development and the protection of our environment.

Towards the end of this year, the parties to the three Rio Conventions will meet to set the course for our future commitment protecting our planet. One thing is certain: Healthy soils are essential! Our food production depends on them. As carbon reservoirs, soils are also a key-factor in the fight against climate change. And: They are the basis of life for almost all living creatures on our planet.

2024 is a decisive year: What is discussed, negotiated and decided this year will shape our world and the lives of our children.

Let’s make the best of it!