"Europe needs Finland’s constructive voice"

Topic: Report

8 May 2024

On 8 May, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier welcomed the President of the Republic of Finland, Alexander Stubb. The two heads of state expressed their appreciation of the close and trust-based relations between the two countries.

Federal President Steinmeier and the Finnish President, Alexander Stubb, walk side by side on a red carpet

On 8 May, the Federal President welcomed the President of the Republic of Finland, Alexander Stubb, paying his first official visit, with military honours in front of Schloss Bellevue. During their ensuing conversation, the two heads of state discussed the close bilateral relations between their countries, as well as major cooperation projects, the challenges currently facing Europe, and the robustness of our societies and democracies.

At a joint press conference, they emphasised the close relations between Germany and Finland. Germany is grateful to know it has Finland at its side, the Federal President stated.

Since April 2023, Germany and Finland have also been NATO Allies. Finland joined the defence alliance in response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Finland’s accession strengthened NATO’s eastern flank and thus enhanced the security of the entire Alliance, said the Federal President.

He thanked the Finnish President for the country’s comprehensive support, including military support, for Ukraine and went on to say that they were in agreement on the need to continue to provide financial, economic and military support to Ukraine.

Alexander Stubb, who assumed office as Finnish President on 1 March this year, welcomed the leading role played by Germany in European security issues and praised Germany’s part in supporting Ukraine. We must stand together and defend Europe together, he said.