Federal President Steinmeier visited the Republic of Turkey

Topic: Report

22 April 2024

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited the Republic of Turkey from 22 to 24 April 2024. The trip has been planned to take place in the centenary year of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and underscores the close ties between the two countries. The Federal President wanted in particular to express his appreciation of the lives and achievements of the millions of people of Turkish descent in Germany.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is welcomed by the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, at the Presidential Palace

The Federal President’s first point of call was Sirkeci railway station in Istanbul, from which thousands of Turkish guest workers set off by train for Germany. Here he met the Mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem İmamoğlu. Afterwards he had an appointment with people who have personal experience of Turkish-German migration. He talked to them about their lives and their attachments to Germany and the Republic of Turkey, and discussed questions of “home” and identity. The Federal President then took a boat trip with German business representatives and whilst on board discussed business relations between Germany and Turkey with them.

A visit to the DHL Express logistics centre at Istanbul airport also focused on business relations. The Federal President hosted a cultural evening and reception at Tarabya Cultural Academy to honour 100 years of German-Turkish friendship and the contributions made by people of Turkish descent to business and science, art and literature, sport and cuisine. He also held talks with civil society representatives on the state of democracy and the rule of law in the Republic of Turkey.

The special ties between the people of the Republic of Turkey and Germany were also evident in the response to the catastrophic earthquake last year. Volunteers immediately went to help, and donations for humanitarian disaster relief assistance poured in from Germany. Since then, Germany has supported reconstruction in the Turkish regions affected.

On the second day of his trip, Federal President Steinmeier travelled to Gaziantep Province, where he visited a shelter for earthquake victims and a school built with funding from Germany. There the Federal President celebrated Children’s Day with the school pupils. This is a national holiday in Turkey, which is officially celebrated each year on 23 April.

On 24 April, the Federal President met President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara for political talks. The Republic of Turkey is one of Germany’s key partners in the region, in NATO and in the G20. He also visited the University of Ankara and learned more about the emigration of Germans to the Turkish republic after its foundation in 1923, a migratory episode that many people in Germany know little about. German academics, architects and engineers made important contributions to the development of the fledgling state under Kemal Atatürk. The Federal President laid a wreath at Atatürk’s mausoleum in commemoration of the founder of the Turkish state.

Overview of the programme

Monday, 22 April 2024

  • Morning
    Flight to Istanbul, Turkey
  • Lunchtime [CEST+1]
    Arrival in Istanbul
  • Thereafter, Sirkeci railway station
    Talks with Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul, and tour of the station
  • Thereafter
    Speech by the Federal President and talks on German-Turkish societal relations
  • Thereafter, Eminönü waterfront
    Talks with representatives of German companies active in Turkey on a boat trip to the German Ambassador’s Historic Summer Residence
  • Evening, Tarabya, Summer Residence of the German Ambassador
    Cultural evening and reception hosted by the Federal President, speech
  • Thereafter, Museum of Innocence
    Tour of the museum with writer and Nobel Literature Prize winner Orhan Pamuk

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

  •  Morning
    Talks on the rule of law with representatives of civil society
  • Thereafter, DHL Express logistics centre
    Talks and tour
  • Lunchtime
    Flight to Gaziantep
  • Afternoon
    Arrival in Gaziantep
  • Thereafter, Gazikent primary school
    Attendance at a Turkish Children’s Day event and talks with school social workers
  • Thereafter, Nurdağı
    Visit an accommodation centre for earthquake victims
  • Evening
    Flight to Ankara

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

  • Early morning, Atatürk Mausoleum
    Wreath-laying ceremony and inscription in the memorial book
  • Morning, Ankara University
    Visit to the Faculty of Language, History and Geography
  • Thereafter, Presidential Palace
    Welcome with military honours by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey, followed by talks
  • Thereafter
    Joint press conference
  • Thereafter
    Luncheon hosted by the President
  • Thereafter
    Talks with Özgür Özel, leader of the Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP – Republican People’s Party)
  • Afternoon
    Flight to Berlin