State visit to Romania

Topic: Report

24 May 2023

Federal President Steinmeier made a state visit to Romania from 24 to 26 May at the invitation of President Klaus Iohannis. With his visit to Bucharest, Sibiu and Timișoara, the Federal President was reaffirming the multifaceted bilateral relations as well as the good cooperation and close partnership between Germany and Romania in the EU and NATO, including their joint support for Ukraine. A delegation of Members of the Bundestag, business representatives and culture professionals accompanied him.

The Federal President and the Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on a bridge in Sibiu

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier made a state visit to Romania from 24 to 26 May at the invitation of President Klaus Iohannis.

With his visit to Bucharest, Sibiu and Timișoara, the Federal President was reaffirming the multifaceted bilateral relations as well as the good cooperation and close partnership between Germany and Romania in the EU and NATO, including their joint support for Ukraine. Anna Lührmann, Minister of State for Europe and Climate at the Federal Foreign Office, as well as a delegation of Members of the Bundestag, business representatives and culture professionals accompanied the Federal President.

On 24 May in the capital Bucharest, the German Head of State was received with military honours by President Iohannis. The Federal President then had political talks with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă as well as talks in the Romanian Parliament with the President of the Senate and the President of the Chamber of Deputies. A meeting with representatives from the world of business was also scheduled.

On the second day of the trip, the Federal President visited Sibiu and a fortified church in Transylvania with President Iohannis. He then traveled on to Timișoara in Banat. There he attended a concert in the Philharmonic Hall in Timișoara, the European Capital of Culture in 2023.

On the last day of the trip, the Federal President had a look round Timișoara with Mayor Dominic Fritz. During a guided tour, the Federal President learned more about the city’s historical, economic and cultural significance as well as about how the city’s various ethnic groups and religious communities live together side by side.

The last state visit to Romania by a Federal President was that of President Gauck in 2016.

Overview of the programme:

Wednesday, 24 May

  • Arrival in Bucharest
  • Cotroceni Palace, official residence of the President
    Welcome with military honours by Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania
  • Talks with the President of Romania
  • Piața Victoriei, official residence of the Prime Minister
    Talks with Nicolae Ionel Ciucă, Prime Minister of Romania
  • Parliament
    Luncheon hosted by Alina Gorghiu, President ad interim of the Senate, Parliament of Romania, and Marcel Ciolacu, President of the Chamber of Deputies of Romania
  • Wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
  • German-Romanian Chamber of Industry and Commerce
    Discussion with representatives of the German and Romanian business community
  • Cotroceni Palace, official residence of the President
    State banquet hosted by Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania

Thursday, 25 May

  • Flight to Sibiu
  • City Hall
    Welcome by Klaus Iohannis, President of Romania, and Astrid Fodor, Mayor of Sibiu
  • Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania
    Discussions with representatives of the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania
  • Samuel von Brukenthal National College
    Discussions with pupils
  • Imparatul Romanilor hotel
    Address at a reception hosted by the Mayor of Sibiu
  • Cristian Fortified Church
    Visit to the Fortified Church with introduction to the work of the Fortified Churches Foundation and Peter Maffay’s Tabaluga children’s charity in Romania
  • Flight to Timișoara
  • Visit to the LOGS reception centre for Ukrainian refugees
  • Victory Square
    Wreath-laying ceremony at the memorial to the victims of the 1989 revolution
  • Banatul Philharmonic of Timișoara
    Concert and reception hosted by the Federal President

Friday, 26 May

  • Walk through the old town of Timișoara with Mayor Dominik Fritz
  • Visit to St. George Cathedral
  • U Barracks
    Tour of the exhibition După SCULPTURĂ / SCULPTURĂ După (after sculpture / sculpture after)
  • Nikolaus Lenau High School
    Discussion with high school graduates
  • Timișoara synagogue
    Visit to the restored Jewish synagogue, discussions with representatives from the Jewish community and the German minority
  • Lloyd restaurant
    Luncheon hosted by Dominic Fritz, Mayor of Timișoara
  • Flight to Berlin