Visit to Estonia and the Bundeswehr troops

Topic: Report

15 March 2023

The Federal President travelled to Estonia on 15 and 16 March. He visited the German Bundeswehr troops deployed for the NATO mission Baltic Air Policing at the Estonian air base Ämari. There he talked to the contingent command and to soldiers in order to find out more about the current deployment conditions at the Alliance’s eastern flank. In Tallinn he had political talks with Estonian President Karis and Prime Minister Kallas.

Federal President Steinmeier visiting the German Bundeswehr troops deployed for the NATO mission Baltic Air Policing at the Estonian air base Ämari

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited the Republic of Estonia on 15 and 16 March.

On 15 March, the Federal President visited the German Bundeswehr troops deployed for the NATO mission Baltic Air Policing at the Estonian air base Ämari and talked to the contingent command and to soldiers. In this way, he payed tribute to the contribution made by the air force over many years as part of NATO’s integrated air and missile defence and found out more about the current deployment conditions at the Alliance’s eastern flank.

In the capital Tallinn, the Federal President then had political talks with Estonian President Alar Karis and Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

At a reception hosted by the German Ambassador on the evening of 15 March, the Federal President awarded the Grand Cross 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany to Estonia’s former President Kersti Kaljulaid.

Overview of the programme:

Wednesday, 15 March

  • Arrival in Ämari
  • Ämari Air Base
    Welcome and briefing by the Permanent Secretary of the Estonian Ministry of Defence and the Chief of Staff of the Estonian Air Force
  • German contingent of the NATO mission Baltic Air Policing
    Meet German soldiers
  • Tour of the German operation headquarters
  • Technical hangar
    Meet German and British soldiers servicing a Eurofighter
  • Quick Reaction Alert hangar
    Introduction to procedures at the joint German-British Quick Reaction Alert unit
  • Troop canteen
    Lunch with German and British soldiers
  • Tallinn, Seat of the President
    Talks with Alar Karis, President of the Republic of Estonia
  • Joint press conference
  • Residence of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
    Attend the reception hosted by the Ambassador and present the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany to former Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid

Thursday, 16 March

  • Seat of the Prime Minister
    Talks with Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia
  • Toompea
    Press statement
  • Flight to Berlin