Visit to Ukraine

Topic: Report

25 October 2022

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier travelled to Ukraine on 25 October. The focus of his visit was on the situation in the country in light of the Russian air strikes that have been going on for weeks. Before meeting with Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Federal President gained a first-hand impression of the destruction in Chernihiv oblast and in the capital Kyiv: "My message to the people of Ukraine is this: you can rely on Germany! We will continue to support Ukraine."

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is welcomed by Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier travelled to Ukraine on 25 October. The focus of his visit was on the situation in the country in light of the Russian air strikes that have been going on for weeks. The Federal President gained a first-hand impression of the destruction in Chernihiv oblast and in the capital Kyiv and entered into dialogue with the affected civilian population.

He said the following on his arrival in Kyiv in the early morning: It's important for me to send a message of solidarity to Ukrainians, especially now, during this period of dastardly Russian air strikes across the country. I’m looking forward to meeting President Zelensky.

Prior to meeting President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv, Federal President Steinmeier visited the northern Ukrainian town of Koriukivka near the Belarusian border, which was occupied by Russian troops at the start of the war of aggression. The town is grappling with destroyed infrastructure and supply shortages before the onset of winter. The Federal President handed over winter relief for the municipal energy infrastructure there.

During the Federal President's last visit to Koriukivka in October 2021, the Mayor had expressed the desire to enter into a town twinning partnership with Germany. The Federal President had subsequently established contact with the town of Waldkirch im Breisgau and now officially presented the decision to initiate proceedings.

The Federal President said the following: I view the courage, bravery and indomitability of the people throughout Ukraine with great admiration. My message to the people of Ukraine is this: you can rely on Germany! We will continue to support Ukraine: militarily, politically, financially and with humanitarian assistance. And also in a very tangible way on the ground – with a great number of interpersonal and municipal ties, to which we want to draw particular attention in Koriukivka today.

At the same time, my message to the Germans at home is this: let us never forget what this war means for the people here! Despite all the hardships and burdens that the war entails also for us in Germany, let us view the situation through the eyes of the Ukrainians for a moment. Then we will know that they need our full solidarity and support – for as long as it takes.

Reconstruction work that has already begun and military assistance complement each other. The Federal Republic of Germany is the leading military supplier for Ukrainian air defence and will quickly make further contributions that will enable the Ukrainian armed forces to protect the population against air strikes:

It is now vitally important to protect the people here against the perfidious attacks of Russian missiles and kamikaze drones. Germany decided early on to provide Ukraine with targeted support also in this area. [...] Our solidarity is unwavering and will remain so.