Visit to Malta

Topic: Report

5 October 2022

The Federal President visited the Republic of Malta from 5 to 7 October. He began his visit by taking part in the 17th Arraiolos Group meeting of the non-executive heads of state of the European Union in the capital Valletta. On the following day, the Federal President held further political talks. He also visited a climate-neutral production site run by a German company and talked to representatives of the European Union Agency for Asylum as well as the respective Maltese authorities.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at the first working session of the Arraiolos Group of the non-executive heads of state of the European Union in the Mediterranean Conference Centre in Valletta/Malta

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited the Republic of Malta from 5 to 7 October. He began his visit by taking part in the 17th Arraiolos Group meeting of the non-executive heads of state of the European Union in the capital Valletta, at the invitation of Maltese President George Vella.

The Presidents of Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Germany focused this year on the effectiveness of the EU as a global player and questions of social justice in the EU. The informal meeting format is named after Arraiolos in Portugal, where the first meeting took place in 2003.

On 7 October, the Federal President held bilateral political talks with the Maltese President. He also visited the German-Maltese Circle, a cultural institute in the capital Valletta, which is celebrating its sixtieth anniversary this year. Following a tour of the former capital Mdina, the Federal President then visited a climate-neutral production site run by a German company to learn about the economic conditions in Malta from the perspective of German business.

At the offices of the European Union Agency for Asylum, which is based in Malta, the Federal President talked to representatives of both the Agency and the Maltese authorities about migration and asylum issues.

Overview of the programme:

Wednesday, 5 October

  • Arrival in Valletta
  • San Anton Palace
    Informal dinner hosted by the President of the Republic of Malta, George Vella, to begin the 17th Arraiolos Group meeting

Thursday, 6 October

  • Mediterranean Conference Centre
    First working session of the Arraiolos Group
  • Second working session of the Arraiolos Group
  • Joint press conference
  • Grandmaster’s Palace
    Official dinner hosted by the President of the Republic of Malta, George Vella

Friday, 7 October

  • Port of Valletta
    Visit to the German submarine U35 and talks with the crew
  • Mdina
    Guided tour of Malta’s former capital
  • Hal Far Industrial Estate
    Visit to Seifert Systems Limited
  • San Anton Palace
    Talks with the President of the Republic of Malta
  • Valletta
    Visit to the Church of Our Lady of Victory
  • Visit to the German-Maltese Circle
  • Luncheon hosted by the Federal President to mark the 60th anniversary of the German-Maltese Circle
  • Meeting with students of the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies
  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    Talks with representatives of the Agency
  • Reception hosted by the German Ambassador to mark the Day of German Unity
  • Flight to Berlin