Visit to the Republic of Singapore

Topic: Report

13 June 2022

From 13 to 15 June, the Federal President visited the Republic of Singapore. He held political talks with the President of the Republic of Singapore, Halimah Yacob, and with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vivian Balakrishnan.The itinerary further included a visit to the container terminal and an expert discussion on the future of globalisation, as well as conversations with young researchers at the Technical University of Munich Asia.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at a tour of the container terminal’s operations by Tan Chong Meng during his visit to the Republic of Singapore

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited the Republic of Singapore from 13 to 15 June. He held political talks with the President of the Republic of Singapore, Halimah Yacob, and with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Vivian Balakrishnan.

The itinerary further included a visit to the container terminal and an expert discussion on the future of globalisation, as well as conversations with young researchers and with students at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) Asia and a discussion with civil society representatives on the issue of women’s rights. The Federal President also toured the Asian Civilisations Museum and the National Gallery Singapore.

In addition, he explored the sustainability projects run by Robert Bosch (South East Asia) and the Sustainability Centre set up by City Sprouts and visited the German Centre Singapore, where he toured the Life Science Incubator and held talks with members of the German and Singaporean business communities.

The Federal President then travelled onwards to the Republic of Indonesia.

Overview of the programme:

Monday, 13 June

  • Departure for Singapore

Tuesday, 14 June

  • Arrival in Singapore
  • Delegation hotel
    Talks with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore, Vivian Balakrishnan
  • Port operator PSA, Port of Singapore
    Tour of the container terminal’s operations
  • Expert discussion on trade and foreign policy
  • Technical University of Munich (TUM) Asia
    Conversations with young researchers and with students
  • Clifford Pier
    Reception hosted by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Norbert Riedel, in honour of the Federal President

Wednesday, 15 June

  • Breakfast with civil society representatives and discussion of women’s rights
  • Asian Civilisations Museum and National Gallery Singapore
    Tour of the exhibitions
  • Official residence of the President of the Republic of Singapore
    Welcome by the President of the Republic of Singapore, Halimah Yacob, as well as signing of the visitors’ book and talks
  • Lunch hosted by the President of the Republic of Singapore
  • Robert Bosch (South East Asia)
    Company visit
  • German Centre Singapore
    Tour of the Life Science Incubator and talks with members of the German and Singaporean business communities
  • City Sprouts urban garden
    Tour of the garden
  • Flight to Jakarta, Indonesia