Visit to Finland

Topic: Report

8 April 2022

On 8 April, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier traveled to Finland to meet the country’s President Sauli Niinistö in Helsinki. The focus of the trip was on the effects of Russia’s brutal war of aggression in Ukraine on neighbouring European countries. In addition, Federal President Steinmeier took the opportunity to learn more about dealing with hybrid threats and about the public debate on relations between Finnish civil society and Russia.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier at a joint press conference with the President of the Republic of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, in Helsinki

On 8 April, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier traveled to Finland to meet the country’s President Sauli Niinistö in Helsinki. The focus of the trip was on the effects of Russia’s brutal war of aggression in Ukraine on neighbouring European countries. The meeting with President Niinistö followed the latter’s visit to Berlin in November 2021.

In addition, Federal President Steinmeier took the opportunity provided by his political talks and other appointments to learn more about dealing with hybrid threats and about the public debate on relations between Finnish civil society and Russia.

Overview of the programme:

  • Arrival in Helsinki
  • Palace of the President of the Republic of Finland
    Talks with Finland’s President Sauli Niinistö
  • Joint press conference
  • Parliament of the Republic of Finland
    Joint visit of the Parliament with the President of Finland on the occasion of the video broadcast of an address by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Selensky
  • European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats
    Discussion of the Centre of Excellence’s work
  • Helsinki Central Library
    Panel discussion on being neighbours with Russia
  • Residence of the Prime Minister of Finland
    Talks with Prime Minister Sanna Marin
  • Return flight to Berlin