State visit to Kenya

Topic: Report

23 February 2020

From 23 to 26 February, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier paid a state visit to the Republic of Kenya. In the capital Nairobi, the Federal President met Kenya’s President Kenyatta for talks. Furthermore, he heard more about current developments in the country during his meeting with representatives of civil society. In Turkana County in the north of the country, he found out more about Kenya’s role as a host country for refugees.

From 23 to 26 February, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier paid a state visit to the Republic of Kenya.

In the capital Nairobi, the Federal President first of all met Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta for talks. Furthermore, he heard more about current developments in the country during his meeting with representatives of civil society. The aim of the visit is to lend fresh impetus to the good bilateral relations between Kenya and Germany and to discuss the country’s economic prospects as well as issues concerning the future which are of importance to both countries.

In Nairobi, the Federal President also visited a vocational training institute and had an exchange of views with members of the business community. In Turkana County in the north of the country, he found out more about Kenya’s role as a host country for refugees.

The Federal President then traveled on to the Republic of the Sudan.

Overview of the programme:

Sunday, 23 February

  • Flight to Nairobi, Kenya
  • Delegation hotel
    Reception hosted by Annett Günther, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany

Monday, 24 February

  • State House
    Welcome with military honours by Uhuru Kenyatta, President of the Republic of Kenya
    Signing of the visitors’ book
    Talks with the President
    Joint press conference
  • Uhuru Park
    Wreath-laying ceremony at the Jomo Kenyatta Mausoleum
  • Hotel Intercontinental
    Talks with members of the German and Kenyan business communities
  • Thereafter, United Nations Campus
    Talks with the directors of UNON, UNEP and UN Habitat as well as a tree-planting ceremony in front of the main building
  • State House
    Speech at the state banquet in honour of the Federal President
    hosted by the President of the Republic of Kenya

Tuesday, 25 February

  • Kiambu Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
    Visit to projects run by KIST and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
    Guided tour of the premises
    Laying of the foundation stone of the centre of excellence for vocational training
  • iHub Kenya
    Talks with representatives of Kenyan IT companies
  • Boho Eatery
    Talks with representatives of Kenyan and international environmental organisations on biodiversity
  • Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
    Visit to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust elephant orphanage
  • Residence of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany
    Reception hosted by the Federal President

Wednesday, 26 February

  • Flight to Kakuma
  • Local office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
    Talks with the Governor of Turkana County as well as representatives of international organisations on the ground
  • Al Nuur primary school
    Presentation of various projects and conversation with pupils
  • Kalobeyei
    Guided tour of the market in Natukobenyo
  • Visit to a permanent accommodation for refugees
  • Local office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
    Lunch with the Governor of Turkana County as well as representatives of international organisations on the ground
  • Flight to Nairobi