Visit to the Republic of Ecuador

Topic: Report

13 February 2019

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Elke Büdenbender visited the Republic of Ecuador from 13 to 16 February. In Quito he met President Lenín Voltaire Moreno Garcés for talks. To mark the opening of the Humboldt Season, he gave a speech at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. Furthermore, he visited the Galápagos Islands. There he saw some of the archipelago’s unique flora and fauna and discussed the challenges of nature and species conservation with researchers from the Charles Darwin Research Station.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier during a talk with refugees in Quito

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Elke Büdenbender visited the Republic of Ecuador from 13 to 16 February. This was the Federal President’s first visit to Latin America. The aim was to lend new political, cultural and economic impetus to relations between Europe and Latin America and between Germany and Ecuador. The Federal President wished to pay tribute to the country’s new democratic course. Against a global trend, it has decided to pursue a path of liberalisation. Germany values this courageous step and is a partner to Ecuador.

The visit was taking place to mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt and the Federal President’s patronage of the Humboldt Season. Humboldt’s legacy to science, ecology and civilisation is highly relevant today and honouring it is a task for humankind as a whole. This legacy creates close ties between Germany and Ecuador and between Germany and the Republic of Colombia, which the Federal President visited from 11 to 13 February. Both countries deserve recognition for their endeavours in the fields of environmental protection and species conservation.

The Federal President met President Lenín Voltaire Moreno Garcés for political talks and visited an aid centre for refugees from Venezuela in the Ecuadorian capital, Quito. To mark the opening of the Humboldt Season, the Federal President gave a speech at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador and then hosted a reception. He traveled in Humboldt’s footsteps to sites around Quito where Humboldt conducted research, including to Antisana volcano, where he also met representatives of indigenous groups.

Furthermore, the Federal President visited the Galápagos Islands, where the evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin, inspired by the works of Alexander von Humboldt, conducted research. The islands are an irreplaceable natural legacy, which Ecuador is helping to preserve for humankind. The Federal President saw some of the archipelago’s unique flora and fauna, discussed the challenges of nature and species conservation with researchers from the Charles Darwin Research Station and learned about the effects of plastic waste in the oceans.

In Guayaquil, the largest city and the country’s economic centre, the Federal President concluded his visit by holding talks with local government officials and representatives of civil society. The last visit to Ecuador by a Federal President took place 26 years ago.

The Federal President was accompanied by a delegation of experts on Humboldt, including Humboldt biographer Andrea Wulf, climate and biodiversity researchers such as Sarah Darwin, the great-great-granddaughter of Charles Darwin, popular science writers, and representatives of German Humboldt institutions. The Federal President explored the topic of plastic waste in the oceans in depth with a group of prize-winners from Jugend forscht, a German youth research competition.

Overview of the programme:

Wednesday, 13 February

  • Arrival in Quito/Ecuador [CET -6]
  • Visit to the monument to the heroes of independence
  • Palacio de Carondelet
    Welcomed by Lenín Voltaire Moreno Garcés, President of the Republic of Ecuador
    Talks and awarding of the National Order of Merit to the Federal President, followed by a joint press conference and lunch hosted by the President of the Republic of Ecuador
  • La Compañia de Jesús Church
    Presentation of the key to the city to the Federal President by Mauricio Rodas, Mayor of Quito
    Visit to San Juan de Dios refugee shelter
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador
    Speech by the Federal President at the opening ceremony of the Humboldt Season to mark the 250th anniversary of the birth of Alexander von Humboldt

Thursday, 14 February

  • Flight to Baltra [CET -7]
  • Presentation of the Galápagos Verde 2050 project by staff from the Charles Darwin Research Station
    Guided tour of North Seymour Island
  • Santa Cruz Island
    Visit to the Twin Craters
    Visit to Rancho El Manzanillo to see the giant tortoises
  • Tour of the tortoise breeding station
    Walk to the neighbouring beach to learn about the problems caused by washed-up plastic waste
    Tour of the Charles Darwin Research Station, followed by talks with researchers from the Research Station and a presentation on current research projects
  • Return flight Quito

Friday, 15 February

  • Antisana Ecological Reserve [CET -6]
    Observation of condors
    Visit to Alexander von Humboldt’s hut, with information on his travels
  • Visit to an exhibition about Alexander von Humboldt and his findings for today’s environmental, climate and biodiversity protection
  • Talks with representatives of indigenous groups
  • Quito
    Visit to the German School Quito and discussions with pupils
  • Guayaquil
    Flight to Berlin