Neujahrsempfang von Elke Büdenbender

Schwerpunktthema: Bericht

16. Januar 2025

Am 16. Januar hat Elke Büdenbender zu ihrem traditionellen Neujahrsempfang in den Großen Saal von Schloss Bellevue eingeladen.

Elke Büdenbender im Gespräch mit ihren Gästen beim Neujahrsempfang

Ich glaube fest daran, dass es heute wichtiger ist als je zuvor, dass wir unsere individuelle Blase verlassen und mit anderen Leuten ins Gespräch kommen, sagte Elke Büdenbender bei ihrem traditionellen Neujahrsempfang in Schloss Bellevue. Bei der Veranstaltung betonte sie die Bedeutung des Austauschs und der Vernetzung untereinander.

Mit offenem Herzen sprechen und zuhören, sich für seine Umgebung interessieren und sich zu überlegen – was kann ich selbst tun, um die Dinge zum Positiven zu verändern. Das ist die Verantwortung jedes und jeder einzelnen, um seinen Beitrag für die Gesellschaft zu leisten.

Am Neujahrsempfang von Elke Büdenbender nehmen traditionell die Partnerinnen und Partner der in Deutschland akkreditierten Diplomatinnen und Diplomaten teil. Eingeladen sind auch die Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der von Elke Büdenbender unterstützten Organisationen und Initiativen.

Die Ansprache von Elke Büdenbender im Wortlaut:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Mrs Schadt, dear Daniela,

Thank you for the wonderful music, Hila Ofek and Andre Tsirlin.

Dear Guests,

Another year has passed, filled with events, interactions, and challenges, as well as pleasant and sorrowful moments. In these times of uncertainty, insecurity, and pleasant surprises, I am grateful for things on which we can rely. One of these is the New Year's reception, which I have the honour and pleasure of hosting each year. A very hearty greeting to everyone!

Things we can rely on provide stability. Even more, having individuals we can rely on makes us feel safe and secure.

You are such folks. You are folks I - and we all - can rely on. As a result, I was excited to see everyone here today. We've built a strong network together over the years. Every new member that joins us is a valuable asset, and I am grateful for your dedication and collaboration.

I am sure you all understand the benefits of networks. In difficult times, they are more crucial than ever, because we are stronger together. We may learn from one other, encourage each other, and strive for a common goal.

It is never easy to summarize what has happened in the previous year in a brief speech. And, as you all know, it is not always the large things and events that have a significant impact. We are all aware that small changes can have a significant impact on the overall picture.

As a result, mentioning some and leaving out others does not constitute a rating. You all make significant contributions to making our society and, more importantly, the planet a better place.

So, let me just give you a little overview of the past year, and then we should all mix and mingle, telling each other about our good and bad times, connecting with new people, and strengthening our network.

The conference on mental health and rehabilitation, which Olena Selenska, First Lady of Ukraine, and I co-hosted in Berlin with our German Ministry of Health, the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the BG clinics, was a watershed moment in the year. Olena Selenska and I were patronesses, and the conference and all of its attendees contributed to make a difference. We are all aware that, regardless of other global conflicts and crises, we must and will support Ukraine!

The Middle East crisis, particularly the fate of children and women in the region, really affects me. Since my grandmother handed me Anne Frank's diary to read as a child, I've stood in solidarity with Israelis and Jews all around the world.

Dear Margot Friedländer, a warm greeting to you today. I am constantly so inspired by your resilience and optimism, despite all of the bad occurrences, rising antisemitism, and increased support for right-wing parties around the world. Thank you for being such an excellent role model for all of us, and for your friendship!

I serve on several boards of Jewish projects, and I am grateful for my close friendship with my colleague Michal Herzog, wife of Israeli President Isaac Herzog. Together with Michal, the German Parliamentary State Secretary in the Ministry for Housing, Urban Development and Building, both countries' embassies, and other dedicated people, we are working to rebuild Be'eri, the kibbutz that was nearly destroyed and where so many residents were killed in the most horrific way in the terrible terrorist attack by Hamas. However, the rehabilitation of the kibbutz is a powerful symbol of hope, and hope is what the people in the area require in order to continue living and not give up.

When I met several moms of the captives, I realized that releasing the hostages was a necessary condition for regional peace. Let us hope that, for the sake of all children and people in that region, a compromise can be reached and a ceasefire will be established so that the inhabitants of the region - on both sides - can finally seek peace and comfort.

The predicament of women and children has been on my mind all year. Beginning with the UNICEF-Neujahrsgespräch, we discussed the status of children in worldwide conflicts, a childhood spent between war and escape, and the importance of ensuring that every kid in every country has the right to a good and self-determined existence. There is still more to be done in this area, and this applies not just to children in war and crisis zones, but also to those in our own country.

A round table debate with Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden, two ministers, and specialists on the subject revealed that far too many children continue to endure sexual violence. In reality, every child that has to go through this is one too many.

We can only respect what Her Majesty has accomplished through her World Childhood Foundation over the past half-century. She began advocating for the most vulnerable members of our societies when no one else was opposing child abuse. Since then, her network has grown, and I am proud to be a part of it.

Education remains a major concern on mine, our country's, and the world's agendas. To me, education is the path to a more fulfilling and self-determined existence. This is why I work hard to enhance learning circumstances for children, along with many of you. We must ensure that every child has equal learning chances, as only informed young people can make better decisions for a more peaceful future.

And the final major subject that I strongly support and would like to discuss today is gender equality in all fields. I have a strong network of female mayors, as does my Austrian counterpart, Doris Schmidauer. For several years, we have worked to support an excellent network of female mayors in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. In June, we held another conference with all of Switzerland's great female mayors to examine what needs to be done so that more women can balance work, family, and private life while holding municipal office. Women must be represented in all political decisions; incorporating diverse perspectives into the decision-making process leads to better and more sustainable outcomes!

What I always enjoy and what I personally benefit from a lot, is leaving the capital – the “Berlin bubble” – and get to know people all over Germany. I personally learn so much by seeing how they live, what challenges they face but also by seeing what works well in their communities.

I strongly believe that now more than ever we need to leave our own individual bubbles and talk to other people. Talk and listen with an open heart, take interest in what surrounds you and in what you yourself can do to make things better. Simply winging and whining is not an option. It is everyone’s own responsibility to contribute to the community.

I know you all understand and live by that. And as a result, you are role models - role models that we desperately need as we approach the federal elections in less than six weeks and face an aggressive and unfriendly environment in our country.

Please keep active and positive. We need optimism to believe in our abilities to change circumstances and persevere.

I could tell you about so many more things that affected and moved me last year. But I've kept your attention long enough. So please feel appreciated, even if I did not mention you and our shared obligations and adventures. I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my network, for everything you do, and for attending today's event. Standing together strengthens us and provides security in these rapidly changing times.

I wish you and your loved ones a healthy, serene, and happy 2025!

Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier