Theodor Heuss (1949–1959)

Theodor Heuss, born in 1884 in Brackenheim, studied economics and history of art in Munich and Berlin and obtained a doctoral degree. He started working in journalism as a student and later made it his career.

Theodor Heuss in 1951
1884Born on 31 January in Brackenheim
1892-1902Attended school in Heilbronn
1902Higher education entrance qualification
1902-1905Read national economics in Munich and Berlin
1905Doctorate in Munich (under the supervision of Lujo Brentano); editor of Friedrich Naumann's review "Hilfe" in Berlin
1907Took over the political desk at "Hilfe"
1912-1913Editor-in-chief of the "Neckarzeitung" in Heilbronn
1913Editor of the journal "März"
1918Member of the management of the German Werkbund in Berlin
1918-1922Took over editorship of the journal "Deutsche Politik"
1919Elected as district councillor in Schöneberg/Berlin; also worked for the newspapers "Vossische Zeitung" and "Frankfurter Zeitung"
1920Lecturer at the Deutsche Hochschule für Politik (German University of Politics) in Berlin
1923-1926Took over editorship of the journal "Die Deutsche Nation"
1924Elected to the German Reichstag as a member of the Deutsche Demokratische Partei (German Democratic Party - DDP). Became a member of the board of directors of the German Werkbund
1928Lost seat at the Reichstag elections
1930Returned to the German Reichstag as a member of the Deutsche Staatspartei (German State Party) following the DDP's regrouping to form the Deutsche Staatspartei
1933Lost Reichstag seat and lectureship at the Deutsche Hochschule für Politik
1936Banned from publishing, gave up editorship of "Hilfe"
1943Moved to Heidelberg
1945Heuss was licenced to publish the "Rhein-Neckarzeitung" in Heidelberg. Became Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs of Land Württemberg-Baden in Stuttgart and moved to Stuttgart
1946Founded the DVP for Württemberg-Baden in Stuttgart on 6 January; Heuss became a member of the constituent assembly of the Land parliament on 30 June; entered the Land parliament on 10 December; announced intention not to take up ministerial post in December; Heuss became Chairman of the DVP in the US zone on 28/29 September
1947Became Co-Chairman (with Wilhelm Külz) of the Demokratische Partei Deutschlands (Democratic Party of Germany); on 17 March took up associate professorship of political science at the Technical University in Stuttgart (appointed at the beginning of 1948)
1948Heuss became a member of the Parliamentary Council in Bonn on 1 September; became Chairman of the Free Democratic Party (F.D.P.) founded on 12 December in Heppenheim
1949Confirmed as F.D.P. Chairman by the party conference held in Bremen on 12 June; elected member of the Bundestag in Bonn on14 August; elected Federal President by the Federal Convention in Bonn on 12 September; stepped down from the office of F.D.P. Chairman
1949-1959Federal President
1963Theodor Heuss died in Stuttgart on 12 December

Theodor Heuss was Protestant. He married Elly Knapp in 1908. (She died on 21 July 1952). They had one son.