News and Speeches

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Trip to Armenia and Azerbaijan

format: Report

30 March 2025

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Elke Büdenbender arriving at an airport (archive)

Trip to Latin America

format: Report

28 February 2025

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is welcomed with military honours by Gabriel Boric, President of the Republic of Chile

Mourning the loss of Horst Köhler

format: Report

11 February 2025

Bundespräsident Steinmeier steht vor einem Trauerfoto des Bundespräsidenten a. D. Horst Köhler


"Shining examples who show us how important it is to stand up to hatred and intolerance"

format: Speech

Santiago de Chile, , 4 March 2025

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier awards the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ana María Wahrenberg
Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier awards the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany to Rudi Haymann

"You can count on Germany"

format: Speech

24 February 2025

Bundespräsident Steinmeier sitzt an einem Tisch, vor ihm ein großer Bildschirm mit einer Videokonferenz

"Germany stands firmly by Ukraine’s side"

format: Speech

Schloss Bellevue, , 24 February 2025

Federal President Steinmeier during a recording of a statement expressing solidarity with the Ukrainian people on the Third anniversary of Russia's attack on Ukraine

Media Service

Topic: Media

The press section offers press contacts, press releases and information on accreditation for appointments of the Federal President.