"Ortszeit Deutschland" – spending time in Germany’s regions

Federal President Frank‑Walter Steinmeier regularly relocates his official residence to different parts of the country so that he can engage in dialogue with local people – openly, with interest and a readiness to discuss controversial issues in a respectful manner.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on a walk through the town with young people

During his second term in office, as he announced in his reelection speech, Federal President Frank‑Walter Steinmeier is focusing more heavily on engaging in direct dialogue with people all over the country. He wants to talk to people in their local areas about the challenges posed by current crises and social transformations, and about our shared future.

These trips are referred to as "Ortszeit" (local time), because the Federal President sets out to gain a detailed picture of local circumstances and takes time to get to know and understand life in the region.

The "Ortszeit" trips are anything but a flying visit – the Federal President is approachable and seeks out spontaneous encounters, too. He aims to learn what gives people courage and hope and what makes them sceptical of our democracy and its institutions. He wants to gain a clearer picture of what worries people and what motivates them to take on responsibility, and what this can mean for political decision-makers.