Focal areas

Federal President Frank‑Walter Steinmeier has launched several series of visits and events dedicated in particular to promoting democracy, a topic that is very important to him. These occasions allow him to discuss a wide range of issues with members of the public as well as German and foreign guests from the worlds of academia, business, civil society, culture and politics.

"Ortszeit Deutschland" – spending time in Germany’s regions

Federal President Frank‑Walter Steinmeier regularly relocates his official residence to different parts of the country so that he can engage in dialogue with local people – openly, with interest and a readiness to discuss controversial issues in a respectful manner.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on a walk through the town with young people

"Werkstatt des Wandels" – exploring change and transformation

Making sites of successful transformation visible and encouraging people to seize the opportunities presented by change – that is the goal of the event series "Werkstatt des Wandels" hosted by Federal President Frank‑Walter Steinmeier.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier sits on a chair and talks to several people (archive)

Forum Bellevue on the Transformation of Society

With the Forum Bellevue on the Transformation of Society, the Federal President wants to create space for discourse on the decisive questions arising given the social change unfolding in our liberal democracy.

Federal President Steinmeier (mittle) in conversation with Christiane Benner (left) and Ottmar Edenhofer(right)

Compulsory Social Service

Taking the opportunity once in your life to leave your familiar environment and focus on those living in a completely different situation: that is the idea behind compulsory social service.

A young female volunteer sits at a table with some children and assists with baking cookies

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier